Chazz Mubita

15 Results / Page 2 of 2



Chazz’s Perspective On Rekindling Relationships

Although the relationships in our life may seem constant, our social circles are always evolving. Losing old and building new friendships is just another part of life and for the most part, we are okay with it. But what if you find yourself missing an old friend?    Our memories are colored by our emotions and nostalgic memories are rarely accurate. Our tendency to over-romanticize the past means that we […]

todayJanuary 19, 2023 57 5


Seasonal Relationships

There are some seasons that I have been through that I never wanted to end. The season where I was reminded that the world can be a beautiful place filled with beautiful people. I would like to believe that certain people come into your life for merely a season; because it has become your turn to receive, grow, learn or even share. They bring you an experience of immense peace […]

todayNovember 15, 2022 171 4


Do You Really Need Someone Else To Feel Happiness?

I don’t need someone else to feel happiness. Now before you throw tomatoes at me, hear me out. When someone refers to their significant other as their “other half”, it implies that they’re insufficient, and that they’ll never be whole all on their own. Sure, your boyfriend might complete your sentences sometimes and praise your personality in ways that make it seem like you wouldn’t be as well-rounded without him, […]

todayMay 18, 2022 53 2


Don’t Compare Yourself To Strangers On The Internet

I would like you to look at yourself, tell yourself & say “SELF”: “I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet.”Why do we torture ourselves into thinking that our lives are not good enough as soon as we see someone else doing something amazing? Why do we question our importance, our whole lifestyle and our whole being as people? There’s that quote by President Theodore Roosevelt that says, […]

todayMay 18, 2022 148 1



Choose To See The Good

I won't lie: it can be so hard to see good. The sad truth is that both good things and happiness seem to be hiding. I have days when the whole world seems to be a constant feed of bad news, shocking stories, boring tasks, and nothing exciting. I know I’m not alone in having these days (come in & have a seat). Everyone has times when it is hard […]

todayMarch 25, 2022 40

Pacing Yourself


Pacing Yourself

In our fast-paced, productive-concentrated and perfectionist world, it’s very easy to forget that no matter how old we are, we are all constantly learning and growing. We are all so focused on getting things done right the first time that we forget that life is a process. Also, because we just want things to be perfect right away, we forget to give ourselves room to grow. We all cease to […]

todayMarch 25, 2022 37

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