
Do You Really Need Someone Else To Feel Happiness?

todayMay 18, 2022 43 2

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I don’t need someone else to feel happiness. Now before you throw tomatoes at me, hear me out. When someone refers to their significant other as their “other half”, it implies that they’re insufficient, and that they’ll never be whole all on their own. Sure, your boyfriend might complete your sentences sometimes and praise your personality in ways that make it seem like you wouldn’t be as well-rounded without him, but that’s just means you’re compatible, not less of a person on your own. In my little old opinion, a truly happy couple is made up of two people who would truly be perfectly fine on their own but choose to be together anyway because they can’t imagine not having that person to share their lives with.


Whether you’re single or in a relationship, remember that you had to grow up and leave your parents’ house eventually, right? You did it! So why would you want to go right back to depending on someone else to take care of you? You’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself, so stop selling yourself short. When you think you need someone, you end up making sacrifices and possibly letting them walk all over you because you think that’s what it costs to have them in your life. But you don’t need anyone. You’re just fine on your own. You’ve heard that you have to be happy on your own before you can be truly happy in a relationship, and it’s true. If you’re absolutely out of sorts alone, a boy/girlfriend will just put a band-aid on the problem, not solve it.


Don’t get me wrong, sharing companionship and support is beautiful. However, there are some things that no one else can do for you. If you want a better job, you have to go out and find it. If you aren’t happy, you have to figure out a way to change that. Completely relying on someone else will only make things harder if one day they aren’t around anymore.

Written by: Chazz Mubita

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