Delila Katanga

46 Results / Page 2 of 6



Nammilk Father’s Series| Jeremy and Ralph Blaauw An inspiring interview featuring Jeremy Blaauw and his dad, Ralph Blaauw, as we explore how father figures nurture ambition and persistence in their children. Nammilk, believes in nurturing generations through the strong bonds within families, and all that is on show in this episode of the #NamilkFatherSeries. Sit back, relax and be a part of this heartwarming conversation that showcases the enduring power of family values. #ItsWhatsInside #Namibia

todayDecember 11, 2023 152


Breaking Bread and Building Bonds at Butcher Block Steakhouse

Does it require nasty email reply or are you just hangry? This is the real question you should be asking yourself before you hit send. As the year draws to an end, everyone, yes... EVERYONE's fuse starts getting shorter and less understanding especially in the work environment. The pressures of the year coming to an end can take a toll on us and sometimes taking a step back and being […]

todayOctober 16, 2023 65


The Designer Catalog: A_in_A Designs

All about A_in_A Designs. A_in_A Designs is a Namibian brand based in the capital city of Namibia, Windhoek. The brand was established in 2019 named after Aina Shigwedha the founder of A_in_A Designs, she graduated and always felt the need to take up space in the fashion industry and also create employment for her self. A_in_A Designs is known for making all sorts of different garments from designer made female […]

todaySeptember 28, 2023 56


Nammilk Father Series: Ep.1 Ricardo and Latika Manneti 👨‍👧‍👦 Explore the power of father-daughter bonding in the heartwarming "Father Series" with the insightful Ricardo Mannetti. 🌟 Join us as we uncover the essence of "Nammilk" – a term that signifies courage, love, and unforgettable moments shared between dads and their daughters.

todaySeptember 28, 2023 50 2


The Model Catalog: Mutaleni ya Toivo

Mutaleni ya Toivo Windhoek, Namibia Instagram: mutaleni_ Height: 1.8     Description: I have always wanted to be a model from a very young age, but growing up I was never the socially accepted standard body size for a model because I was tall and bigger built, but not small. In order for me to ‘fit in’, I needed to lose weight, but I never lost enough weight to ‘fit […]

todaySeptember 25, 2023 84 2


Namibia at the 2023 Rugby World Cup – Part 1

The Namibian Rugby Team is currently at the 2023 Rugby World Cup at their base in Aix-la-Bain. They had managed to qualify for the Rugby World Cup again – and that is, in and of itself, an achievement. After a great build-up, characterized by loads of positivity, fan participation and a real feeling that something special was on the way – we have, well, come down to earth with a […]

todaySeptember 13, 2023 24



Name of Fashion House: NEW 3ARTH APPAREL Designer: Chantal Kambrude Located: Windhoek Instagram: @new3arthapparel Our passion is to protect the planet and promote Namibian culture through shapes, signs and symbols using textiles that are 100% MADE IN NAMIBIA. We use natural fibre fabrics and water soluble fabric paints to hand print our original textile designs. We hand craft stylish, useful accessories and apparel created with love for the entire family, in […]

todaySeptember 11, 2023 21

Contact Us

Phone: 083 000 1000
Phone: 083 000 1029 
Telegram: 083 000 1029
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Location: 3rd Floor Old Power Station Armstrong Street, Windhoek