

todayFebruary 21, 2023 110

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One of my 2023 resolution is to stop wondering if I’m good enough for other people and start wondering if they’re good enough for me.  


I made a decision a few years ago to carefully and intentionally select people I let into my life and I must say it was and still is worth it. Not everyone deserves an access card to your life. Not everyone should be your friend. Take ownership of your life and promote people based on how they’ve proven worthy to be in your space.  


Take charge and chase out whoever does not belong in your life. Today. For this reason I am reminding you of the people that have no business being in your life.  


Be on the lookout for these kinds of people: 


  1. The Gossips: Are you even surprised at this one?!  

Gossips are people who are invested in a talk that ain’t their business, talks that don’t edify/enlighten/inspire. In the words of my mother, anyone who brings any gossip about someone else to you will always take your business to other people.  

Is that the kind of person you want surrounding you? 

Gossips don’t talk about goals because they’ve got none.

 2. Unsupportive/ Negative friends:These are nearly the worst set of people you can have in your inner circle.

Listen up, people who don’t support your dreams, aren’t your friends. 

If you have someone in your circle who is negative and got nothing positive to say when you share your dreams and aspirations then fam, it’s time to let them go. 

Are you friends with people who don’t motivate you or tell you ‘YOU CAN DO THIS’ during your tough moments? People who don’t cuddle you up when you are at your lowest. These are the kind of people you need outside your life. 

3. Unreliable Friends: Why call them your friends when you don’t even trust them? 

One important standard of choosing a friend is- TRUST. Communication is a seed that helps every relationship stand firmly, what then is the essence of communication when you can’t trust the listener with the information? 

Let me put this out there, if your spirit isn’t in agreement with an individual, let him/her go! It’s high time we started trusting our intuition and following as it bids, the problem is we always want to try out to see if our intuition is right or wrong. 

I read somewhere a long time ago that “The man of too many friends will be broken in pieces and come to ruin”. There is so reason why you should have a lot of friends.

4. Friends who don’t respect/ value you: If your friend brings you down every time, he/she got the chance then you are yet to find a true friend. 

If your friend doesn’t respect boundaries, if they are rude to you, if they laugh at your grievous mistakes then it’s time for you to do some inner circle cleansing cause my darling Your Friends, I mean, a True Friend won’t do that. 

If you feel disrespected by your friends, let them know you don’t appreciate such an attitude, if they fail to understand or have a change. Move on!! 

5. Jealous and Envious Friends: Having friends who compete with you or desire to be better than you is a risky game. 

Jealousy can be spotted easily by imitation, lack of encouragement from so-called friends and lack of complements, but condemnation. 

A jealous friend won’t mention your name in a room filled with opportunities. That’s not the kind of energy you want around you. 

You can’t be friends with someone who wants your life.


6. Abusive friends: People who are always prepared to get an argument into physical combat or people who are prone to laying curses on people on minute issues shouldn’t be in your inner circle. If you are not that kind of person, why surround yourself with people like that. 

People who don’t give a good representation of who you are shouldn’t be among the one per cent of your one per cent.

7. Unsympathetic friends: Life is full of ups and downs. Make friends with people who will stand by you through the seasons of life. A real friend will stand by you no matter how hard it is. They will sympathize with you, cry with you and hold you up. 


8. The Parasitic friend: My dear, there are people in your life who camouflage to be your friend when all they want to do is DRAIN YOU. They are only interested in you cause of the benefit they will get from you. They are neither interested in your happiness nor comfortability. They only come near you when they have something to get. BEWARE! 

Can we commit to making better decisions when it comes to our friends?! But perhaps also commit to being a better friend to yourself.  



Shai_Quan xx  

Written by: Chareen Kauazunda

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