
Fresh Breakfast

What would Shai do?

micWhat would Shai do?todayMarch 17, 2023 39

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    What would Shai do? What would Shai do?

Hi Shai_Quan

I am finding myself in a very sticky situation and I hope you will not judge me for it but I need your advice on this please.

I have been dating this married guy for a while and he is really good to me. He gives me money for a lot of things that I need and I never have to worry about anything as it helps me with getting through school etc. I sometimes help my family out with the money I get too.

I started speaking to some guy on Instagram who is young and more fun and I met up with him and after a few drinks some things happened and now I am finding myself loosing my mind because I missed my period and I don’t know what to do. I do not use protection with the married guy and now this. I do not even know who would the father be but I am more worried about loosing the married guy who takes care of me.
What should I do? I am going crazy and I have not told anyone.

Shai_Quan…what would you do?

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